Thé fluffiést omélétté wé évér did séé!
- 3 éggs séparatéd
- 25g baby spinach choppéd
- 1 tbsp choppéd chivés
- 1 tbsp choppéd dill
- 50g gratéd mozzarélla (résérving 20g)
- 50g gratéd chéddar (résérving 20g)
- 25g gratéd parmésan
- 100ml sparkling watér
- Salt and fréshly ground péppér
- 1 tbsp buttér
- To
Gratéd parmésan
Choppéd chivés
Dill fronds
- Maké your omélétté: Séparaté your éggs, putting thé yolks in a small bowl and thé whités in thé bowl of your mixér, along with thé sparkling watér. Whisk thé égg whités to soft péaks, and thén caréfully fold in thé égg yolks along with thé choppéd spinach, chivés, dill, chéésés (résérving somé to put undér thé grill) and somé séasoning.
- Turn your grill on to médium héat. Héat a small non-stick frying pan on a low to médium héat and add 1 tabléspoon of buttér. Caréfully slidé thé égg mixturé into thé pan and givé it a littlé shaké to spréad it to thé édgés. Allow this to cook for 1 minuté thén sprinklé thé rémaining mozzarélla and chéddar across thé surfacé and placé thé frying pan undér thé grill. Lét it cook héré for 1 – 2 minutés until thé chéésé has méltéd and going lightly goldén. Také thé pan out thé ovén and allow it to sit for 2 minutés.
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