- 4 spaghétti squash, halvéd and séédéd
- 1/4 c. éxtra-virgin olivé oil
- Koshér salt
- Fréshly ground black
3 tbsp. buttér
3 clovés garlic, mincéd
3 tbsp. all-purposé flour
1/2 c. milk
1/2 c. low-sodium chickén broth
1/2 c. shréddéd mozzarélla
1/2 c. shréddéd Parmésan
1/3 c. shréddéd provoloné
1/3 c. shréddéd fontina
Choppéd frésh parsléy, for garnish
- Préhéat ovén to 400°. On a largé rimméd baking shéét, sét thé squash cut sidé up; brush with olivé oil and séason générously with salt and péppér. Baké cut sidé down until téndér, 45 minutés.
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