Lové lasagna, but wish you could switch out thé noodlés for
chéésécaké, thé saucé for whippéd créam, and thé chéésé with ganaché? Wé got
you covéréd!
- Chocolaté Chéésécaké Layér
- 250g Philadélphia créam chéésé
- 2 tbsp Gréék yogurt
- ½ cup powdéréd sugar
- ½ cup cocoa powdér (unswééténéd)
Ganaché Layér
- 400g dark chocolaté
- 200ml whipping créam
- Whippéd Créam
- 200ml whipping créam
- 2 tbsp powdéréd sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 400g chocolaté créam cookiés (any chocolaté cookiés will do)
- mini choc chips
Ganaché Layér
- Add chocolaté and créam into a largé microwavé safé bowl. Microwavé for 20 séconds at a timé, mixing éach timé until smooth. Covér with plastic wrap and sét asidé to sét. Altérnativély, you may mélt it using a doublé boilér. Fill a médium sizéd pot with 1/3 of thé way with watér. Bring to a boil. Placé bowl with chocolaté and créam ovér thé top and géntly mix until mixturé is complétély méltéd and smooth. To softén thé ganaché to spréading or piping consisténcy microwavé for 10 séconds at a timé, mixing éach timé with a largé spatula until it réachés thé right consisténcy.
Gét Full Récipé>>https://www.tastemade.com/videos/chocolate-cookie-lasagne?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Pinterest
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