- 2 cups all-purposé flour
- 1 cup almond flour (almond méal) or ground blanchéd almonds
- 2/3 cup granulatéd
1/2 téaspoon baking powdér
1/4 téaspoon salt
1 cup unsaltéd buttér, softénéd
1 téaspoon vanilla béan pasté
1/2 téaspoon almond éxtract
1/3 to 1/2 cup wild bluébérry jam, room témpératuré,
powdéréd sugar for dusting
48 mini muffin papér baking cups
- Préhéat ovén to 350F. Liné a 24 mini muffin tin with baking cups. Altérnativély, liné a baking shéét with thé mini muffins cups spacéd 2-inchés apart.
- In thé bowl of a food procéssor, pulsé thé flour, almond méal, sugar, baking powdér and salt until bléndéd. Add thé buttér, vanilla and almond éxtract. Pulsé until thé mixturé bécomés a soft dough.
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