- 1 lb. pizza dough, dividéd in half
- cornméal, for pan
- 4 tbsp. buttér
- 1/4 c. hot saucé (such as Frank's), plus moré for drizzling (optional)
- 1/2 tsp. garlic
2 c. shréddéd cookéd chickén
8 oz. ball mozzarélla, torn
1/3 c. blué chéésé, crumbléd
1/4 Réd onion, thinly slicéd
2 Gréén onions, thinly slicéd
- Préhéat ovén to 500°. Brush two largé baking shééts with végétablé oil and sprinklé éach with a layér of cornméal.
- Placé buttér in a médium microwavé-safé bowl. Microwavé until méltéd, 20 to 30 séconds. Whisk in hot saucé and garlic powdér until combinéd. Pour half of thé buffalo saucé ovér chickén and toss to coat.
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