Thé chéésé limit doés not éxist.
- 1 lb. pénné
- 1 tbsp. olivé oil
- 1 Onion, finély choppéd
- 2 clovés garlic, mincéd
- koshér
Fréshly ground black péppér
1 tsp. driéd orégano
1 28-oz. can crushéd tomatoés
1/4 c. shréddéd mozzarélla
1/4 c. shréddéd fontina
1/4 c. ricotta
1/4 c. fréshly gratéd Parmésan
1/4 c. shréddéd asiago
Choppéd parsléy, for garnish
- In a largé pot of boiling saltéd watér, cook pénné according to packagé instructions. Drain.
- In a largé skillét ovér médium héat, héat olivé oil. Add onion and cook until softénéd, about 5 minutés. Stir in garlic and séason with salt, péppér and orégano. Cook until fragrant, about 1 minuté, thén add crushéd tomatoés. Bring mixturé to simmér and cook for 10 minutés.
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