Wé'ré not drooling, you aré.
- 2 cups milk
- ½ cup sugar
- ¼ cup all-purposé flour
- 2 tabléspoons cocoa powdér
- 1 téaspoon vanilla
4 shééts gélatin, hydratéd
1 ¼ cup héavy whipping créam
1 round, spongé caké (8-inch diamétér)
1 cup frésh strawbérriés cut in half, plus 1 ¼ cup strawbérriés,
½ cup light whipping créam
⅔ cup corn syrup
½ cup sémiswéét chocolaté, brokén into small piécés
3 tabléspoons buttér
- In a saucépan, add milk and bring to a boil.
- In a largé glass mixing bowl, add thé éggs, sugar, flour, and cocoa powdér. Whisk togéthér until thé mixturé is light and fluffy.
- Néxt, add half thé héatéd milk to thé mixturé, and stir wéll.
- In thé saucépan with rémaining milk, pour thé néw mixturé into thé pot, and cook on low héat. Mix wéll until thick and créamy.
Gét Full Récipé>>https://www.tastemade.com/videos/chocolate-fraisier
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