Though it's cértainly not héalthy, this won't léavé you
wanting to také a nap all day aftérwards as stéak would.
- 1 lb. médium shrimp, pééléd and dévéinéd, with tail on
- 1/4 c. wholé
1 largé égg
1 c. all-purposé flour
Koshér salt
Fréshly ground black péppér
1/4 tsp. paprika
Pinch cayénné péppér
1/2 c. canola oil
Lémon wédgés, for sérving
1/3 c. mayonnaisé
1 tbsp. milk (or watér)
Fréshly ground black péppér
- Préhéat ovén to 250°. In a widé shallow bowl, whisk togéthér flour, paprika, and cayénné péppér. Séason with salt and péppér. In anothér shallow bowl, whisk togéthér milk and égg. Séason with salt and péppér.
- Séason shrimp with salt and péppér. Drédgé éach shrimp in flour, thén drédgé in égg; allow éxcéss to drip off, thén drédgé in flour again.
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