2 clovés garlic, mincéd
1 tsp. frésh thymé léavés
Fréshly ground black péppér
1/2 c. fréshly gratéd Parmésan
- Préhéat ovén to 425°. In a largé pot, covér potatoés with watér and add a générous pinch of salt. Bring watér to a boil and simmér until potatoés aré téndér, about 15 minutés. Drain and lét sit until cool énough to handlé.
- On a largé rimméd baking shéét, toss potatoés with méltéd buttér, garlic, and thymé. Using bottom of a small glass or mason jar, préss down on potatoés to smash thém into flat pattiés.
Gét Full Récipé>>https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a49007/garlic-smashed-potatoes-recipe/
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