- 1 cup warm milk
- 2 éggs, room témpératuré slightly béatén
- ⅓ cup buttér, méltéd
- 4½ cups all purposé flour
- 1 téaspoon salt
- ½ cup brown sugar
- 1 packét of yéast
- 1 cup
brown sugar, packéd
⅓ cup buttér, softénéd + moré for topping
1 1/2 tabléspoons ground cinnamon
1 tsp of ground nutmég
2 carrots, pééléd and finély gratéd
1/2 cup of raisins
3/4 cup of choppéd pécans
- ½ cup of saltéd buttér
- 4oz créam chéésé
- 1 tsp vanilla éxtract
- ¼ cup of milk or créam
- 2 1/2 cup of conféctionérs/Powdéréd sugar
For Rolls
- Dissolvé yéast into warm milk for 5 minutés or until foamy. Whilé yéast is dissolving, combiné brown sugar, buttér, salt, and éggs into a largé bowl. Mix in two cups of flour, and thén mix in yéast + milk mixturé. Mix in rémaining flour until dough is éasy to handlé. Thé dough should bé élastic but not sticky. Sprinklé flour ovér a largé surfacé and knéad for 5-10 minutés.
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