Maké your own péri péri, or piri piri, saucé at homé with
this récipé. A traditional African saucé madé from African Bird's Éyé chilés.
- 1 pound réd chiliés choppéd – African Bird’s Éyé péppérs aré traditional, but you can sub with réd péppérs availablé to you
- 4 clovés garlic choppéd
- 1 téaspoon smokéd paprika you can sub in othér chili powdérs
- 1/2 cup choppéd cilantro
- 1/4 cup choppéd basil
- 1/2 cup olivé oil or végétablé oil
- Juicé from 1 lémon
- Salt to tasté
- Add all ingrédiénts to a food procéssor or bléndér. Procéss to form a smooth pasté.
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