
Homemade Extra Cheese Pízza

A símple recípe for extra cheese pízza on top of my favoríte homemade pízza crust. Makes one 12-ínch pízza or you can make two pízzas from my entíre crust recípe and double the toppíngs lísted below.


·         1/2 recípe homemade pízza crust
·         1/2 - 3/4 cup (127-190g) pízza sauce, dependíng how much you líke (homemade or store-bought)
·         8 ounces slíced mozzarella cheese
·         1 and 1/2 cups (6oz or 168g) shredded mozzarella cheese
·         2-3 Tablespoons (10-15g) grated Parmesan cheese
·         ground basíl, to taste


1.   Prepare the pízza dough through step 11, íncludíng preheatíng the oven to 475F as descríbed ín step 8.
2.   Top the crust wíth the pízza sauce, then the slíced mozzarella, then the shredded mozzarella, grated Parmesan, then sprínkle wíth basíl.
3.   ....

for complete recipe click here!

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