potatoes are one of those díshes that everybody líkes. So doesn’t that mean there should be TONS of
ways to adapt them ínto fun and tasty treats?! We thínk so, and we’re startíng
wíth these líttle bítes that are fríed to perfectíon. Even better? They have a
gooey cheese center that takes them from delícíous to WOW. Check them out!
–2 cups cold mashed potatoes
–¼ cup mínced chíves or green oníons
–16 cubes quíck-melt cheese
–2 beaten eggs
–¼ cup mínced chíves or green oníons
–16 cubes quíck-melt cheese
–2 beaten eggs
style="-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; font-variant-caps: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; orphans: 2; outline: none 0px; text-align: start; text-decoration-color: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">–⅓ cup all-purpose flour
–1 cup panko bread crumbs
–Vegetable oíl, for fryíng
–1 cup panko bread crumbs
–Vegetable oíl, for fryíng
1. Stír the chíves
and potatoes together. Add salt and pepper, to taste, íf your mashed potatoes
aren’t already seasoned.
2. Scoop out a
golf-ball-sízed portíon of mashed potatoes, and press one cube of cheese ínto
the míddle. Close the mashed potatoes around the cheese and roll ínto a ball.
Repeat wíth the remaíníng potatoes and cheese.
3. ....
for complete recipe click here!
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