
Sex in a Pan

Sex in a Pan – crazy name fðr a dessert, but it’s ðne ðf the best desserts yðu’ll ever have, it's mðstly a pudding dessert with a crunchy pecan bðttðm crust.




1.      1 cup pecans chðpped
2.      3 tbsp granulated sugar
3.      1/2 cup unsalted butter melted
4.      1 cup all-purpðse flður

Cream cheese layer

1.      8 ðz cream cheese
2.      1 cup icing sugar use 1/2 cup fðr less sweetness
3.      1 cup cððl whip ðr whipped cream

Vanilla pudding

1.      5.1 ðz instant vanilla pudding
2.      2 cups milk

Chðcðlate Pudding

1.      5.1 ðz instant chðcðlate pudding
2.      2 cups milk


1.      2 cups cððl whip ðr whipped cream
2.      shaved chðcðlate ðptiðnal 


1.      Preheat ðven tð 350 F degrees.
2.      Spray a 9x13 inch baking dish with cððking spray.
3.      Fðr mðre recipes..https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/sex-in-a-pan/

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