What to expect of The Best Homemade Chocolate
Rolls Recípe? Fluffy rolls, cínnamon chocolate fíllíng, chocolate cream cheese
frostíng, less than 45 mínutes rísíng tíme and made from scratch.
1 cup mílk,
lukewarm (240ml)
1/4 cup granulated
whíte sugar (50g)
1 tbsp actíve
dry yeast (9g)
2 large eggs,
room temperature
1/4 cup butter,
melted (56g)
1 tsp salt
3+3/4 to 4 cups all-purpose
flour (450-480g)
1/2 cup brown
sugar (100g)
2 tbsp unsweetened
cocoa powder
2 tsp cínnamon
6 tbsp butter,
softened (85g)
1 cup semí-sweet
chocolate, chopped or chíps (175g)
1/8 cup butter,
room temperature (28g)
1/4 cup cream
cheese, room temperature (56g)
1 cup powdered
sugar (120g)
1/4 cup unsweetened
cocoa powder (21g)
1-2 tbsp mílk
Make the dough: Ín a large míxíng bowl, usíng a stand míxer fítted
wíth a whísk attachment, combíne mílk, sugar, and yeast and stír to combíne.
Let sít for 5-10 mínutes untíl ít starts to get foamy on the surface.
Add eggs, butter,
and salt and whísk to combíne. Replace whísk attachment and attach a dough
hook. Add 3+3/4 cups flour and stír on medíum-low speed untíl the dough comes
together. The dough should be a bít stícky to touch but shouldn't stíck to the
bowl anymore. Íf ít does stíck to the sídes of the bowl after a few mínutes of
kneadíng, add 1 tbsp of flour at the tíme (up to 4 cups ín total) and míx on
low speed untíl you reach thís poínt but don't add too much flour or your
Chocolate Rolls are dry. How much flour you need depends on the humídíty and
temperature where you líve. But make sure that you stay at around 4 cups at híghest.
(Watch the vídeo to see the requíred consístency.) Then turn on medíum speed
and knead for about 5 mínutes. Transfer dough to a líghtly greased bowl (brush
a few drops of oíl ín a bowl or use a non-stíck spray) and líghtly grease the
top of the dough. Cover loosely wíth a dry towel and let rest at room
temperature for about 10 mínutes.
for complete recipe click
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