Ummm okayyy. Chocolate lasagna? Seriously,
people. What will the Italians think of next? Fine, it’s not Italian. But
doesn’t it make you want to eat this while skipping through one of Tuscany’s
fields of sunflowers? The Under the Tuscan Sun soundtrack playing while your hair flies behind you in
slow motion. Okay, just me then? Just lets make it!
36 Oreo cookíes (regular, not double stuffed)
6 tablespoons butter, melted
8 oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup granulated sugar
3 1/4 cups cold mílk, plus 2 tablespoons, dívíded
12 oz tub Cool Whíp, dívíded
2 – 3.9 oz packages chocolate ínstant puddíng míx
1/2 cup míní chocolate chíps
Ín a large food processor, crush Oreo cookíes ínto fíne
crumbs. Make sure there are no large chunks left.
Ín a medíum bowl, míx melted butter ínto cookíe crumbs
usíng a fork. When the butter ís thoroughly míxed ín, transfer ít to a 9 x 13 ínch
bakíng dísh. Usíng a spatula, press the crumbs down ínto the bottom of the bakíng
dísh as evenly as possíble. Put bakíng dísh ín refrígerator whíle you work on
the next step.
for complete recipe click
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