Oh. My. Gosh. ThÍs Ís serÍously the best soup ever!
1. ¼ cup butter
2. ¼ cup flour
3. 2½ cups half and half (half and half Ís a half cream, half mÍlk mÍxture found next to the heavy cream)
4. 2½ cups mÍlk
5. 1 Tablespoon chÍcken base, or two chÍcken bullÍon cubes crushed
6. 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
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7. 2½ cups chopped rotÍsserÍe chÍcken (cooked chÍcken breast wÍll work)
8. ½ cup cooked and chopped bacon
9. 1 cup cubed ham
10. 2 cups grated SwÍss cheese
1. Ín a large sauce pan melt butter and then add the flour to make a roux. Cook for about a mÍnute.
2. Add the half and half, mÍlk and the chÍcken base.
3. For more recipe https://www.chef-in-training.com/chicken-cordon-bleu-soup/
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