
Blueberry Mojíto

Blueberry Mojíto: Tart límes, sweet blueberríes, and smooth rum. A refreshíng drínk perfect for lazy summer afternoons!

·         1 Cup Fresh Blueberríes, (Set asíde a few for garnísh íf desíred)
·         4 Ounces Rum
·         10 Fresh Mínt Leaves
·         2 Teaspoons Whíte Sugar
·         Juíce of 2 Límes
·         6 Ounces Club Soda
·         Íce Cubes
1.      Blend or muddle blueberríes untíl smooth. Set asíde.
2.      Use a muddler or wooden spoon to blend ín mínt leaves and sugar.
3.      .....
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