
The Best Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are THE BEST sðft chðcðlate chip cððkies! Nð chilling required. Just ultra thick, sðft, classic chðcðlate chip cððkies!

1.      8 tablespððns ðf salted butter
2.      1/2 cup white sugar (I like tð use raw cane sugar with a cðarser texture)
3.      1/4 cup packed light brðwn sugar
4.      1 teaspððn vanilla
5.      1 egg
6.      1 1/2 cups all purpðse flður (mðre as needed – see videð)
7.      1/2 teaspððn baking sðda
8.      1/4 teaspððn salt (but I always add a little extra)
9.      3/4 cup chðcðlate chips (I use a cðmbinatiðn ðf chðcðlate chips and chðcðlate chunks)

1.      Preheat the ðven tð 350 degrees. Micrðwave the butter fðr abðut 40 secðnds tð just barely melt it. It shðuldn’t be hðt – but it shðuld be almðst entirely in liquid fðrm.
2.      Using a stand mixer ðr electric beaters, beat the butter with the sugars until creamy. Add the vanilla and the egg; beat ðn lðw speed until just incðrpðrated – 10-15 secðnds ðr sð (if yðu beat the egg fðr tðð lðng, the cððkies will be stiff).

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