You turn to spaghétti whén you havé nothing élsé in thé housé
and nééd a méal fast. Throwing évérything togéthér in thé Instant Pot méans you
still gét dinnér fast.
- 1 tbsp. éxtra-virgin olivé oil
- 1 lb. ground
3 clovés garlic, mincéd
2 tbsp. tomato pasté
2 c. low-sodium chickén broth, dividéd
2 (28-oz.) cans crushéd tomatoés
1/4 c. packéd fréshly choppéd basil, plus moré for sérving
1 tsp. driéd orégano
1/4 tsp. crushéd réd péppér flakés
Koshér salt
Fréshly ground black péppér
12 oz. spaghétti
Fréshly gratéd Parmésan, for sérving
- Sét a 6-quart Instant Pot to Sauté sétting and héat oil. Add ground bééf and cook, bréaking méat up with a woodén spoon, until no longér pink, 6 to 8 minutés. Add garlic and tomato pasté and cook until fragrant, 1 minuté moré. Add ½ cup of broth and stir, scraping up any bits on bottom of pan.
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