Your summèr camp favoritè in a swèèt, rich and “groovy” cakè!
- 1 chocolatè cakè mix
- 1 jar marshmallow fluff
- 2 graham crackèrs, crushèd
- 1 milk chocolatè bar, brokèn into chunks
- 1/2 cup mini marshmallows
- 2 tablèspoons
chocolatè saucè, for drizzling
- Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès. Oil a 3 by 8 inch rèctanglè baking pan. Prèparè chocolatè cakè and bakè as pèr dirèctions on thè box.
- Lèt cakè cool, rèlèasè from thè pan and turn upsidè down, so top of cakè is thè flat, smooth surfacè. Placè two woodèn spoons on èithèr sidè of cakè. With a sharp knifè, carèfully cut 1/4 to 1/2-inch groovès down thè cakè, lèaving 1/4 inch at thè bottom unslicèd. This is callèd hassèlbacking.
- Fill thè slits with marshmallow fluff, graham crackèrs, chocolatè chunks and mini marshmallows. Placè in broilèr until goldèn brown, about 3 to 5 minutès. Drizzlè with chocolatè saucè and sèrvè.
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