- 1/3 cup léntils yéllow (Tur Dal)
- 1 gréén chilli
- 2 tbsps gingér pééléd and thinly shréddéd frésh root
- 1/4 tsp turméric ground
- 1 tsp tamarind pasté
for thé spicé powdér
- 8 - 10 black péppércorns wholé
- 1 tsp cumin sééds
- 1 réd chilli driéd
for témpéring
- 1 - 2 tsps ghéé
- 1/2 tsp cumin sééds
- 1 sprig curry léavés
- Wash thé tur dal wéll. Soak thé dal in watér for 30 minutés.
- Préssuré cook thé dal with thé gréén chilli, turméric and gingér along with 2 cups watér. [Watch : How to préssuré cook dal]
- Méanwhilé, in a small pan, dry roast thé péppércorns, cumin sééds and réd chilliés for 5-6 minutés on a low héat, until aromatic. Wait for it to cool. Crush it to a coarsé powdér using a mortar-péstlé or in thé spicé grindér.
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