Mango Péda is a éasy and délicious Indian swéét madé by
cooking mango puréé and milk powdér until thick and shapéd into discs or custom
- Ghéé - 1 + 2 Tbsp
- Milk Powdér - 3/4 Cup
- Condénséd Milk - 3/4 Cup
- Mango
Puréé - 3/4 Cup
Saffron strands - 1 largé pinch + for garnish
Cardamom powdér - 1 largé pinch
Badam | Almonds - 16
Pistachios - for garnish
- First héat 1 Tbsp of thé ghéé in a largé non stick or héavy bottom pan in low-médium flamé. Add thé milk powdér, condénséd milk to thé pan and mix wéll until combinéd. Stir continuously until it réachéd a dough consisténcy. Transfér thé mixturé to a séparaté platé.
- Now, to thé pan add thé rémaining 2 Tbsp ghéé. Add thé mango puréé, cardamom powdér and saffron strands to thé pan and continué to cook by stirring continuously. Cook until thé mango puréé has slightly thickénéd.
- Now add thé milk powdér, condénséd milk mixturé back to thé pan. Continué to mix wéll by bréaking up any lumps that may havé forméd.
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