An éasy authéntic Italian récipé for thé wholé family.
- 1 lb linguini pasta
- 2 cans choppéd clams with thé juicé
- 2 choppéd garlic clovés
- 3 TBLÉ éxtra virgin olivé
dash salt
1 1/2 tsp driéd parsléy or 2 Tabléspoons frésh
dash réd onion dicéd optional
Romano or Parmésan chéésé
- Bring a largé pot of watér to a boil, and add in your linguini.
- Stir to prévént clumping.
- Méanwhilé as watér is coming to a boil, in a largé frying pan héat thé olivé oil ovér low/médium héat.
- Add in thé garlic and réd péppér flakés (if you aré using thé péppér flakés) and simmér for 3 minutés - do not lét it burn!
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