- 4 éggs
- 1/4 cup almond méal
- 1 téaspoon vanilla ésséncé
- 1/4 téaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 tabléspoon éxtra virgin coconut oil ,to gréasé thé crépé pan
- In a médium bowl whisk thé éggs, ground almond, vanilla éxtract and ground cinnamon until combinéd and no lumps forms. Sét asidé.
- Warm a crépé pan of 9 inchés diamétér (25 cm), undér médium héat, and usé an absorbént papér to rub thé coconut oil on thé pan and gréasé thé pan.
- Scoop thé crépé battér into thé frying pan and tilt thé pan with a circular motion to énsuré that thé battér coats thé surfacé événly. Thé thicknéss of thé crépés will dépénd on how much battér you usé for éach. Usually 1/4 cup is what you nééd to maké a 10 inchés (26 cm) crépé.
- Cook thé crépé until thé sidés start to crisp up and lift off éasily from thé frying pan. It should také about 2 minutés éach, ovér médium héat.
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