
Boozy Tiramisu Bombs

World, méét TiramiSusan Boylé. Shé's swéét, fun, and lovés a cocktail. You'ré going to gét along gréat.
  • 1 largé chocolaté swiss rolls
  • 3 tbsp marsala
  • 500g mascarponé
  • 1 x 397g tin swééténéd condénséd milk
  • 300ml doublé créam
  • 2 tsp vanilla éxtract
  • 4 tbsp instant cofféé, dilutéd in 1 tbsp boiling watér and cooléd, dividéd
  • 2 tbsp Kahlua, dividéd
  • 50g nutélla
  • 10 - 12 lady
  1. Liné a 2 litré stainléss stéél bowl with a doublé layér of clingfilm. Cut thé swiss roll into slicés about 1.5 cm thick and usé to liné thé bowl. Squash thé slicés togéthér quité snugly and usé éxtra caké to fill in any gaps. Drizzlé ovér 2 tbsp of thé marsala.
  2. Béat thé mascarponé until smooth thén béat in thé condénséd milk and finally add thé créam and whisk until thickénéd. Dividé thé mix bétwéén 2 bowls. Mix half of thé cofféé, half of thé Kahlua and nutélla into oné bowl and thé rést of marsala and vanilla éxtract into thé othér bowl.
  3. Spoon thé vanilla mix into thé bowl and usé a spatula to smooth thé top thén put in thé fréézér until almost frozén. Také out and spoon thé cofféé and chocolaté mix on top. Smooth with a palétté knifé again. Mix togéthér thé sécond half of thé cofféé and Kalua and dip thé lady fingérs into thé mixturé. Lay on top of thé cofféé mixturé and placé back into thé fréézér until firm.

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