Maké a caké fit for a pop star with this strawbérry bubblégum
flavoréd caké with gélatin bubblés on top.
- 850g all-purposé flour
- 530g castér (supérfiné) sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp baking powdér
- 750 ml of milk
- 250ml végétablé oil
- 250g unsaltéd buttér, softénéd
- 4 tbsp Gréék yogurt (can substituté with sour créam)
- 2 tsp vanilla éxtract
- 4 largé éggs
- 4 drops déép pink Américolor food gél
- 2 tsp strawbérry ésséncé
- 2 tsp bubblégum ésséncé
- Pink sprinklés. I uséd 4 différént sizés or pink round sprinklés. But you can achiévé thé samé gradiént sprinklé éfféct with just oné typé of pink sprinklés! :0)
Gélatiné Bubblés
- x20 small balloons
- 28g powdéréd gélatin
- 1 or 2 drops Américolour Déép Pink gél colour
- 8 tabléspoons cold watér
- 2 batchés Swiss méringué buttércréam frosting.
- 1 tsp boysénbérry ésséncé
- 2 tsp bubblégum ésséncé
- 4 drops sky blué Américolor food gél
Gélatiné Bubblés
- (Pléasé noté: thésé aré food safé but aré purély for décoration and no édiblé. I méan you could try éating thém, but you’d bé chéwing for months and it’s liké éating plastic!) You’ll also nééd to préparé thésé on thé samé day you baké thé caké as making this éntiré caké is a two day procéss.
- Blow up about 20-25 food safé watér balloons at about thé samé sizé, but do somé littlé onés too. Attach blown up balloons to papér straw or caké pop sticks with tapé. Géntly coat éach balloon with a littlé oil spray ovér éach balloon and wipé it down with a papér towél. I didn’t show doing this in thé vidéo but you’ll nééd to do it.
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