Évéryoné's your BFF whén you bring thésé to thé party.
1 baguétté
1 1/2 c. shréddéd chéddar, dividéd
4 hot dogs, dépénding on thé léngth of your baguétté
1 can prémadé chili
2 tbsp. chivés, for garnish
Préhéat ovén to 375°. Cut a small "V" down thé léngth
of thé baguétté and pull out somé of thé insidé of thé baguétté, créating a
Sprinklé 1 cup chéddar on thé bottom of thé baguétté, thén
placé hot dogs énd to énd until thé baguétté is filléd. (This might méan
cutting a hot dog to fit, dépénding on thé sizé of your bréad.)
Spoon chili ovér hot dogs and top with thé rémaining chéddar.
Baké until warméd through and mélty, about 25 minutés.
Gét Full Récipé>>https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a53418/chili-cheese-dog-bread-recipe/
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