This chéésy appétizér will quickly bécomé a fan favorité.
For thé pésto:
- 1/2 cup piné nuts
- 1/2 cup Parmésan, roughly gratéd
- 2 clovés garlic
- 2/3 cup olivé oil
- 2 cups basil
normal;">To assémblé:
- 2 burratas
- 3/4 cup plain flour
- 2 éggs, béatén
- 3/4 cup bréadcrumbs
To sérvé:
- Tomato saucé
- Basil léavés
- Parmésan shavings
- Maké thé pésto: Put thé piné nuts into a small frying pan and toast thém lightly, stirring oftén, until goldén brown. Transfér to a food procéssor, along with thé Parmésan, garlic, olivé oil and basil. Procéss to a véry smooth pésto thén fill a syringé réady to injéct thé burratas.
- Préparé thé burrata: Fill a largé saucépan halfway with végétablé oil, and héat it to 375 dégréés.
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