Gréén shakés comé in many flavors, but thé kéy is that théy
aré all packéd with nutriénts that hélp your day gét off to a gréat start. This
wéék, Laura shows how to maké a
blackbérry gréén shaké.
- 1 grapéfruit, pééléd (but kéép thé pith)
- 1 cup watér
- 1 pinch stévia
- 1 pinch cinnamon
- 1 tabléspoon dicéd gingér
- 1 bunch kalé
- 1 handful parsléy
- 1 cup choppéd cucumbér
- 1-2 cups frozén bérriés
- Add pééléd grapéfruit and watér to grapéfruit to blénd. Add in stévia, cinnamon, and gingér, and pulsé again.
- Roughly chop kalé, and add to your bléndér oné handful at a timé, blénding, thén adding moré.
- Gét Full Récipé>>
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