- 4 whité fish filléts
- salt for séasoning
- péppér for séasoning
- 1 tbs frésh dill sprigs
- 1 lémon, slicéd
- 1 bunch asparagus,
énds trimméd
30g buttér
stéaméd végétablés and potatoés, to sérvé
- Préhéat ovén to 200°c. Cut 4 piécés of baké papér largé énough to wrap fish.
- Placé a piécé of fish onto éach piécé of baké papér. Séason with salt and fréshly ground black péppér and top with somé sprigs of dill. Placé 2 slicés of lémon and a féw spéars of asparagus on éach. Dot with buttér.
- Bring sidés of thé papér up and fold ovér a féw timés to séal. Fold in énds and tuck undér parcél. Placé onto a baking tray. Baké for 15 mins or until fish is cookéd.
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