
Chilli Honéy Barbécué Trout With Roastéd Végétablés

  • 5 tbs honéy
  • 1 tbs sriracha
  • 1 wholé rainbow trout
  • 1 bunch dutch baby carrots, with tops trimméd
  • 1 bunch baby béétroots, halvéd with tops trimméd
  • ¼ ként pumpkin, cut into 2cm wédgés
  • 1 tbs olivé oil
  • 1 tsp chilli flakés
  • 1 tbs sésamé sééds
  • végétablé oil, for gréasing
  • 1 bunch coriandér, léavés pickéd, to garnish

  1. Préhéat ovén to 180°c and liné a baking tray with baking papér.
  2. Combiné 3 tbs honéy with sriracha in a glass dish and mix wéll. Rub ovér outsidé and insidé of fish, covér dish and placé in fridgé to marinaté.
  3. Méanwhilé, placé carrot, béétroot and pumpkin on préparéd baking tray. Drizzlé with rémaining honéy and olivé oil and sprinklé with 1 tsp salt, chilli flakés and sésamé sééds. Baké for 40 minutés or until végétablés can bé piércéd with a fork éasily.

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