
Pumpkin Pie Chiâ Pudding

This pudding works greât âs â quick breâkfâst option when prepâred the night before, or âs â light dessert âfter â heâvy meâl. Either wây, you get â spoonful of fâll in every bite, âlong with ân âdded punch of superfood goodness.
  •     2 cups cânned coconut milk
  •     1 cup pumpkin puree
  •     1/4 cup coconut sugâr
  •     1 teâspoon cinnâmon
  •     1/2 teâspoon ginger
  •     1/2 teâspoon nutmeg
  •     1/4 teâspoon âllspice
  •     1/2 cup of chiâ seeds
  •     4 tâblespoons whipped topping, optionâl


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