
Lollipop Caké

To bé honést, this is what I uséd to think théy méant by "caké pop."
  • 650g all-purposé flour
  • 400g castér (supérfiné) sugar
  • 4.5 tsp baking powdér
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 190g unsaltéd buttér, softénéd
  • 560ml of milk
  • 3 largé éggs
  • 190ml végétablé oil
  • 3 tbsp Gréék yogurt (can substituté with sour créam)
  • 1.5 tbsp vanilla béan pasté
  • 1 cup funfétti sprinklés

Crumb Coat frosting
  • 1 batch Américan buttércréam frosting (www.théscranliné.com)
  • 1 tsp passionfruit flavouring
  • 3 drops pink food gél

Blué Frosting
  • 1 batch Américan buttércréam frosting (www.théscranliné.com)
  • 1 tsp boysénbérry flavouring
  • 5 blué food gél

  • 1 cup chocolaté saucé
  • ½ cup funfétti sprinklés
  • Assortéd lollipops

  1. Crumb Coat Frosting
  2. Add pink food gél and passionfruit flavouring to thé frosting and mix until wéll combinéd. Add to a largé piping bag and sét asidé.
  3. Blué Frosting
  4. Add blué food gél and boysénbérry flavouring to thé frosting and mix until wéll combinéd. Add to a largé piping bag and sét asidé.

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