Trying to réducé your plastic wasté? Éat your cutléry.
- 120 grams unsaltéd buttér, room témpératuré
- 200 grams packéd light brown sugar
- 2 éggs
- 1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
- 400 grams plain flour
- 1/4 téaspoon salt
- 50 grams dark chocolaté chips, roughly choppéd
- 30 grams buttér
- 70 grams mini
30 grams whité/milk chocolaté
75 grams Ricé Krispiés or 75 grams Coco Pops
Éxtra 200 grams whité/milk chocolaté
- Maké thé spoons and cups: put thé buttér and sugar into a largé mixing bowl and créam togéthér with an éléctric whisk, thén béat in thé éggs and vanilla. Add in thé flour, salt and chocolaté chips and bring togéthér. Tip out onto a work surfacé and roll out to 0.5 céntimétrés thick. Roll out to 5 millimétrés thick and usé a small knifé to cut out four spoon shapés, using a réal spoon as a guidé. Put éach cookié spoon on top of a réal spoon and smooth thé édgés, thén put onto a tray and into thé fridgé for 1 hour to firm up. Také a golf ball-sizéd lump of cookié dough and put it into a muffin mould. Usé a long shot glass to push thé dough up thé sidés of thé tin, so it comés just ovér thé édgé, and thé bottom and sidés aré flat. Répéat with thréé moré lumps thén put thé tray into thé fridgé for oné hour.
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