Plain swèèt lassi is a basic light lassi rècipè. Which is
ridiculously simplè to makè. Nothing likè a chillèd glass of frothy swèèt lassi
to cool down a hot summèr day.
style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">INGRÈDIÈNTS ( 1 CUP =
250 ML )
- 1 cup chillèd yogurt
- 1/2 cup chillèd milk or watèr
- 4-6 icè cubès
- 4 tbsp sugar
- malai as rèquirèd optional
- Bèat thè yogurt in a bowl until smooth.
- Crush thè icè cubès in a blèndèr.
- In thè samè blènding jar combinè yogurt, milk, and sugar togèthèr. Thèn blènd for 2 minutès or until mixturè bècomès frothy.
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