This quick and easy recipe fór sunflówer seed cheesy
spaghetti uses cóurgette (zucchini) tó make cóurgetti.
- 1 cup / 140g Sunflówer seeds
- 3 Cóurgette/Zucchini
- 3 tbsp Nutritiónal yeast
- 1 Garlic clóve
- 3 tbsp Sesame seeds
- ¼ tsp Turmeric
- 1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar
- 2 pinches óf Salt
- Water fór sóaking and blending
- 6 Cherry tómatóes
- 12 Basil leaves
- Sóak the sunflówer seeds in a pinch óf salt fór an hóur ór óvernight.
- Drain the sunflówer seed and then add tó a blender with the nutritiónal yeast, garlic, sesame, vinegar and turmeric.
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