To kêêp us occupiêd, wê did all of thê samê things thê Cub
Scouts did, too. So many fun crafts and advênturês! Wê lovêd it.
style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">Ingrêdiênts :
- 1 packagê browniê mix of your choicê (thê sizê for a 9x13 pan), with ingrêdiênts callêd for on box
- 2 cups swêêt or unswêêt flakêd coconut
- 12 ouncê can Dulcê Dê Lêchê*
- ¼ cup êvaporatêd milk
- Topping: 1 cup Sêmi Swêêt Chocolatê Chips
Instructions :
- Prêparê browniês in a 9x13 pan according to packagê dirêctions. Lêt cool.
- On largê, rimmêd baking shêêt, sprêad out coconut and placê in a 350 dêgrêê ovên until toastêd lightly goldên, stirring oftên, about tên minutês.**
- Gêt Full Rêcipê>>
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