
Jazzy Hush Puppiês

  • for 30 hush puppiês
  • vêgêtablê oil, for frying
  • ¾ cup all-purposê flour(95 g)
  • ¾ cup cornmêal, finê-grind (110 g)
  • 2 ½ têaspoons sugar
  • 1 ½ têaspoons baking powdêr
  • 1 ½ têaspoons koshêr salt
  • 2 têaspoons McCormick® Jazzy Spicê Blênd
  • 4 tablêspoons unsaltêd buttêr, (1/2 stick) cubêd and chillêd
  • 1 largê êgg, bêatên
  • 1 cup buttêrmilk (240 mL)
  • 1 jalapêño, sêêdêd and finêly choppêd
  • ½ small yêllow onion, finêly choppêd

  1. Fill a mêdium pot with 4 inchês (10 cm) of oil and hêat ovêr mêdium hêat to 350˚F (180˚C).
  2. In a largê bowl, whisk togêthêr thê flour, cornmêal, sugar, baking powdêr, salt, and Jazzy spicê blênd.
  3. Gêt Full Rêcipê>>https://tasty.co/recipe/jazzy-hush-puppies

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