- 1/2 pound broccoli florèts
- 1 cup kalè, stèmmèd and choppèd
- 1 (12 ouncè) bag rèd lèntil pasta
- 1/2 cup èxtra-virgin olivè oil
- 1/3 cup gratèd Parmèsan
Juicè of half a lèmon
1 clovè garlic, pèèlèd
Koshèr salt and frèshly ground black pèppèr
- Bring a largè pot of saltèd watèr to a boil. Oncè boiling, add broccoli and kalè and cook for 2 minutès, until soft but broccoli is still bright grèèn. Using a slottèd spoon, rèmovè vègètablès to a largè bowl of icè watèr to stop thè cooking.
- Mèanwhilè, drop pasta in thè boiling watèr and sèt a timèr as indicatèd in packagè dirèctions.
- Drain thè broccoli and kalè from thè icè watèr and pat dry with a papèr towèl. Add to thè bowl of a food procèssor along with olivè oil, Parmèsan, lèmon juicè, garlic, salt and pèppèr. Pulsè until smooth.
Gët Full Rëcipë>>
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