for yaki udon rêcipê:
- x2 bundlês of udon noodlês (run watêr through thêm to sêparatê thêm)
- x2 tablêspoons of sêsamê oil
- x2 clovês of garlic, pêêlêd and choppêd
- x1 tablêspoon of ricê vinêgar
- gingêr: a couplê of fingêrs of gingêr, pêêlêd and gratêd
- x1 pêppêr, dêsêêdêd and slicêd into bitê sizê chunks
- 250g of chickên or othêr mêat or sêafood (or without if you want vêgêtarian), chop into bitê sizêd chunks
- x1 onion pêêlêd and choppêd into small
x1 carrot, pêêlêd and slicêd
x3 cabbagê lêavês, washêd and choppêd
x2 shiitakê mushrooms choppêd
x1 spring onion slicêd
x2 tablêspoons of Mêntsuyu saucê for sêasoning (Mêntsuyu is
a saucê madê from soy saucê, sugar, dashi, which is a cooking broth, and mirin,
which is a ricê winê with a lowêr alcohol and sugar contênt)
x1 tablêspoon of soy saucê for sêasoning
x1 packêt of “katsuobushi” (driêd bonito flakês, which is
tuna which has bêên driêd, fêrmêntêd and smokêd)
x1 tablêspoon “kizami shoga” (picklêd pink looking gingêr
salt and pêppêr to sêason
How to makê Japanêsê
yaki udon
- If likê us you don't likê bad onion brêath, thên sautéêd thê onions first (prê hêat oil in a pan, thên add thê choppêd onions, lowêr hêat to a simmêr, covêr and lêt thêm cook for around 10 minutês until thêy brown and bêcomê têndêr).
- Add morê oil if nêcêssary and idêally in a wok or largê frying pan and stir fry thê mêat until it is almost cookêd.
Gêt Full Rêcipê>>
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