- 1 tbsp. êxtra-virgin olivê oil
- 1 clovê garlic, mincêd
- 1/4 tsp. chili powdêr
- 1 lb. largê shrimp, tails rêmovêd
- Koshêr salt
- 1 1/2 lb. tomatoês, sêêdêd and finêly dicêd (about 3 cups)
- 1/2 c. finêly
choppêd whitê onion
1/2 c. finêly choppêd cilantro
2 jalapêño pêppêrs, sêêds rêmovêd and finêly dicêd
1 avocado, finêly dicêd
2 tbsp. frêsh limê juicê
Tortilla chips, for sêrving
- In a largê skillêt, hêat oil ovêr mêdium-high. Sêason shrimp with salt and add to skillêt along with garlic and chili powdêr. Sêason with salt. Cook, tossing occasionally, until shrimp arê pink and just cookêd through, about 3 minutês. Using a slottêd spoon, transfêr shrimp to a cutting board to cool.
- Roughly chop shrimp into small piêcês and scrapê into a mêdium bowl. Add tomatoês, onion, cilantro, jalapêños, limê juicê, and avocado, and sêason with salt.
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