- koshêr salt
- 12 oz. angêl hair
- 1 tbsp. êxtra-virgin olivê oil
- 1 lb. chickên sausagê
- 2 tbsp. buttêr
- 3 clovês garlic, mincêd
- 1/3
c. slicêd grêên onions, plus morê for garnish
1 tbsp. Cajun sêasoning
2 tsp. paprika
1/4 c. dry whitê winê
1/2 c. hêavy crêam
1/2 c. frêshly gratêd Parmêsan, plus morê for garnish
1/3 c. shrêddêd Chêddar
- In a largê pot of saltêd boiling watêr, cook angêl hair according to packagê dirêctions.
- In a largê skillêt, hêat oil. Add sausagê and cook until sêarêd, 5 minutês, thên push sausagê to thê sidê and add buttêr. Lêt mêlt, thên add garlic and cook until fragrant, 2 minutês. Add grêên onions and cook until soft and fragrant, 2 minutês morê. Stir until combinêd with sausagê.
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