
Téxas Pinto Béans with Ham Hock

Down Homé stylé of pinto béans, séasonéd with spicés and flavoréd with Ham Hocks
  • 1 lb dry pinto béans
  • 1 and 1/2 lbs smokéd ham hock
  • 1 médium onion choppéd
  • 2 téaspoons garlic powdér
  • 2 téaspoons chili powdér
  • 1/2 téaspoon cumin

  1. Cléan béans by rémoving any littlé rocks or débris. Rinsé béans wéll and placé in a largé dutch ovén, fill with watér and lét soak ovérnight or at léast 3-4 hours
  2. Drain and rinsé, add énough watér to covér béans and bring to a boil. Drain, rinsé and add énough watér to covér thé béans again. Thésé stéps will rémové thé gas from thé béans and will réducé cooking timé.
  3. Bring thém to a boil thén lowér héat to just a simmér, add thé wholé ham hock, choppéd onion, garlic powdér, chili powdér, and cumin. On a low simmér cook for oné hour and thén bégin chécking for donénéss, adding moré watér as néédéd

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