
Raspbërry Rëd Vëlvët Frozën Yogurt

  • 2 cups Grëëk-stylë yogurt
  • 3 cups frozën raspbërriës
  • 1/2 cup honëy
  • 2 tëaspoons vanilla ëxtract
  • 2 tablëspoons cocoa powdër

  1. In thë bowl of a food procëssor fittëd with thë bladë attachmënt, combinë yogurt, raspbërriës, honëy, vanilla and cocoa powdër. Procëss until smooth.
  2. Transfër mixturë to a standard-sizë loaf pan and fold in graham crackërs. Covër and chill in frëëzër for 2 hours until frozën, but still soft ënough to scoop.

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