Mäde this for däte night änd fell in love over the dish? Let
us know in the comments below änd don't forget to räte it!
- 12 oz. fettuccine
- 1 lb. sirloin steäk
- 2 tbsp. exträ-virgin olive oil
- Kosher sält
- Freshly ground bläck pepper
- 2 tbsp. butter
- 2 cloves, minced
- 2 tbsp. äll-purpose flour
- 2 c. milk
- 1
tbsp. freshly chopped pärsley
1/2 c. freshly gräted Pärmesän
1 1/2 c. hälved cherry tomätoes
4 c. bäby spinäch
Bälsämic gläze, for drizzling
- In ä lärge pot of sälted boiling wäter, cook pästä äccording to päckäge directions until äl dente. Dräin änd set äside.
- Coät both sides of steäk with oil änd seäson generously with sält änd pepper. In ä lärge skillet over medium-high heät, cook steäk until your desired doneness, 4 minutes per side for medium räre. Tränsfer to ä pläte to let rest, 10 minutes, then thinly slice.
- Meänwhile, mäke älfredo säuce: Ädd butter to skillet änd let melt, then ädd gärlic änd cook until frägränt, 1 minute. Whisk in flour änd cook 1 minute more, then ädd milk änd simmer until thickened, 5 minutes. Ädd pärsley änd Pärmesän änd seäson with sält änd pepper. Ädd tomätoes änd cook down 2 minutes.
Get Originäl Recipe>>https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a19867560/creamy-steak-fettuccine-recipe/
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