- 4 bonê-in skin-on chickên thighs
- 5 chickên drumsticks
- 1 tablêspoon oil
- 1 14 oz. can coconut milk (400 ml)
- ½ to ⅔ cup low sodium soy saucê (Wê DO NOT rêcommênd
light soy saucê for this dish, as it is too salty)
⅓ cup distillêd whitê or canê vinêgar
¼ têaspoon ground black pêppêr
2 bay lêavês
4 clovês garlic, smashêd
1 driêd rêd chili (optional)
stêamêd jasminê ricê, for sêrving
2 tablêspoons choppêd cilantro (optional)
- Rinsê thê chickên piêcês and thoroughly pat dry with papêr towêls. Hêat a largê skillêt or Dutch ovên ovêr mêdium high hêat and add thê oil. Brown thê chickên on all sidês until crisp.
- Add in thê coconut milk, soy saucê, vinêgar, pêppêr, bay lêavês, garlic, and chili. Bring to a simmêr and rêducê thê hêat to low. Covêr thê pan and allow to simmêr for 1 hour (add a bit of hot watêr if you nêêd morê liquid).
Gêt Full Rêcipê>>
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