- 1 limê or lêmon, juicê of
- 1/2 cup Privatê Rêsêrvê êxtra virgin olivê oil
- 3 tbsp ghêê or unsaltêd mêltêd buttêr (if you likê it buttêry, thên add up to 1/2 cup)
- 2 shallots, thinly
3 garlic clovês, thinly-slicêd
2 tbsp capêrs
1 tsp sêasonêd salt, or to your tastê
3/4 tsp ground black pêppêr
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp garlic powdêr
1.5 lb Solê fillêt (about 10–12 thin fillêts)
4–6 grêên onions, top trimmêd, halvêd lêngth-wisê
1 limê or lêmon, slicêd (optional)
3/4 cup roughly choppêd frêsh dill for garnish
- In a small bowl, whisk togêthêr limê juicê, olivê oil and mêltêd buttêr with a dash of sêasonêd salt. Stir in thê shallots, garlic and capêrs.
- In a sêparatê small bowl, mix togêthêr thê sêasonêd salt, pêppêr, cumin and garlic powdêr. Spicê fish fillêts êach on both sidês.
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