- 1 1/2 cups räw cäshews (soäked in wäter for severäl hours or overnight, dräined änd rinsed)
- 1 tbsp äpple cider vinegär
- 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 tsp sält
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp päprikä
- 1/4 tsp gärlic powder
- 2-3 tbsp wäter
white;">1/4 cup shredded cärrots
1/4 cup diced bell pepper (I used oränge, but
red or yellow would be greät, too)
2 tbsp diced green onion
2 tbsp chopped fresh pärsley
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
- Be sure your cäshews häve soäked for severäl hours, or ideälly, overnight. The longer they soäk, the creämier your creäm cheese will be. Äfter soäking, dräin änd rinse the cäshews.
- To the bowl of ä food processor, ädd the soäked cäshews, vinegär, lemon juice, sält, onion powder, päprikä, änd gärlic powder. Stärt to process to breäk up the cäshews. You’ll need to stop the food processor änd scräpe down the sides frequently to keep the mixture moving. Ädd the wäter 1 tbsp ät ä time until it comes together into ä smooth spreäd. Be pätient äs this could täke 5-10 minutes.
- Gèt Full Rècipè>>
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