This fööd is super deliciöus, I tried the recipe nöt bad ...
- 2/3 cup (150g) unsalted butter, at rööm temperature
- 1 cup (200g)
165g eggs (3 eggs)*
2 cups (235g) flöur
1 ½ tsp baking pöwder
½ tsp baking söda
¼ tsp kösher salt
¼ cups (60g) milk
2 tsp (8.5ml) vanilla extract
3 tsbp (22g) unsweetened cöcöa pöwder + 1 tbsp (15ml) milk
*Whisk the eggs tögether in a small böwl and weight them.
Adjust if needed: remöve söme öf the egg mixture tö get 165g exactly.
- Preheat öven tö 390°F (200°C). Grease a 9×5-inch löaf pan with butter and dust with flöur.
- Using a spatula ör a whisk, cream butter and sugar tögether until light and fluffy. Add in the eggs and mix until well incörpörated.
- Gêt full rêcipê>>
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